The importance of being there

So many times we race off to exotic destinations intent on maximizing the experience. In our hurry, we tend to neglect the importance of being there. We must always remember, it is the journey that is important. If we fail to remember this there is so much we will miss along the way.

I have so many great memories that would not have been possible if I was simply moving from one campsite to the next. Most often the best memories are when I chose to stop, look and listen to the world around me, to quiet my mind and spirit, allowing me to be present and engaged.

It has been proven through many studies, none of which I can site, you can look this up yourself, that it is inherently good for us to connect with nature through journeys in the wilderness. I think we all feel the pull of the wild, but so often we fail at the connection because we try to get too much from too little time. The solution to this dilemma is to simply choose to be present and receive whatever is given to us in the time we have.

So next time you have the blessing to be out in the wild, get up before dawn find a comfortable place to quietly sit and watch the world come alive around you. You just might be surprised by what you see and feel. The wilderness is a special place filled with life and energy you can not find anywhere else.

Always remember, the importance of being there! 

As Always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared